Tuesday, March 31, 2015

#43. March Madness

After the previous blog entry (a Luke-dominated post), Clare felt left out so I decided to put together another entry highlighting some of March's happenings.  There's been a lot more going on than securing that damn helmet!

Like the past few months, we all blinked and March was over.  On March 19, the twins officially reached 8 months. 

Luke and Clare, 8 months

I thought I would point out that these monthly milestone 'photoshoots' are typically quite a production.  So much so, that I thought I'd post a few (of the many) rejected photos...  

From upper left clockwise: 1) oh, Clare, let me fix your hair  2) put your legs down brother  3) sister's getting crabby!
4) now sister shows some attitude 5) arms up, let's mess with daddy  6) ok we're done whether you got a good one or not 

This week also marks a year since we found out the good news (while traveling in Portugal) that there was going to be a Luke (boy) and a Clare (girl). 
Flashback to the day Luke and Clare were 'born' into our minds

Time continues to fly and it's crazy to see how far the twins are coming (and moving!) along.
Hangin' out on the playpad is fun....
...but a trip away from the play pad makes for a great adventure!!

The twins were excited to see both of their grandmothers in the past month.  Grandma Steffie came north for a Chicago visit
Grandma Steffie and Clare
and helped with the ongoing solid food eating movement.  
Maybe Grandma Steffie can help with the stubborn solid-eating Clare!
No problems here...Luke's one happy customer!

A week later, we took the twins down to Central Illinois for another visit to Eureka,
Not sure how we fit all of this and more into our car, but Clare and
 Luke had plenty of stuff to play with on Grandpa and Grandma's floor!
where they were showered with attention from Grandma and Grandpa Knapp.
After having two boys of her own, Grandma is a pro with Luke
She may not eat much (solids) but she loves the attention from Grandpa
Grandma Knapp enjoys lap time with 'Bubba' and 'Peanut'

We even made a quick stop off to Bloomington for a visit with some friends.

Ivy and Amelia taking care of their growing 'cousins'

Daddy went out of town for his (nerd alert!) annual Texas Instruments 'calculator conference', so Papa played 'dress up' the twins.
The Dapper Luke...
and the Dashing Clare!
Yeah, we clean up real nice!!

Luke and Clare also made a trip to Naperville to visit with Aunt Lisa and their cousins.  
Stroller drag racing with cousin Nick!

The weather was so nice when Daddy was in Texas, that Luke and Clare got to spend time outside in the courtyard.
Lovin' the fresh air...and look at Luke's hair!

Unfortunately, Daddy's return coincided with the return of cold weather, and the first (please let it be the last!) snow of the spring season.  We took advantage and finally opened the full body snowsuits we neglected using throughout the actual winter season.

Dads glad the twins got one wear out of these things
You mean, this white stuff is here in late March too?!?
If you build a snowman in late March, they will come

Outside of helmets, grandparents, and spring snow, we've mainly been bumming around the house...a family favorite activity.
Daddy's two little munchkins
Luke takes a (short) break from scampering through the house in his wheels
Serious Sister close-up
Posin' with Papa
Someone scooted away from the play area
Bless her heart, she jumped herself to exhaustion!
Putting the helmet to good use...Father/Son Shocker support!
Sister Sous-chef
I'll wrap it up here with a couple of videos of Luke and Clare enjoying some play time right before bed.  

Luke logging more flight time

Clare showing off her 'moves'

We're looking forward to the 9th month with these two!

1 comment:

  1. Chris & Scott, your kids are so cute. Thank you for sharing. I'm really impressed you still have the energy to blog!
