Sunday, May 1, 2016

#60. Playground Paparazzi

Look at these two having a 'tubular' time on the playground!
Despite the unpredictable spring we've had, there have been enough rain-free days lately to get the twins back out to their favorite spot...the playground!

We've had enough Sesame Street, dad!

This patio's great and all,

but it's not enough!!

Even Trig's ready to leave the confines of our residence.

The sun is out (showing off their preferred method for wearing sunglasses),

so load us up, 
and let's go!!
The playground is a lot more fun this spring. 

Last summer was more about spectating, 

crawling and reaching, 

and pulling on objects to stand up.

Now that Clare and Luke can both walk and climb, they are much more active on the playground.

Clare showing who's boss

Luke plots his next move

What goes up...

must come...

DOWN!!  Thank you gravity (and that tongue hanging out that must be helping somehow)!

Our two happy (well, maybe one for this picture) sliders

The playground is more than just the slides.

There's tic-tac-toe practice

and pink cars to ride.

Thanks for the push, brother!

There are big tires to play in, 

and math problems to solve (atta boy!!).

These round things that used to dwarf the twins

are now fun to stand on and look down upon.

The swings that were a big hit last summer...

remain a draw today.  Though, the bodies swinging in them sure have changed!

About the only thing bad about the playground is how Daddy follows us around like the paparazzi

Who invented the selfie anyway?!?

Daddy calls it 'snack time', but we both know it's really a soon-to-be-failed attempt at getting us to pose for a tandem shot!

Here are some of the 'failed attempts'...Upper left: Nobody's excited in this one; Upper right:  Let's both smile but not at the camera; Middle left: He's happy, she's not; Middle right: She's happy, he's not; Lower left and right:  Show your belly...but only one at a time!

Even though he sometimes gets on our nerves, we know Daddy's just trying to take pictures capturing happy moments while we have a GREAT time playin' around.

Clare clearly enjoys being outdoors
Luke loves to run free
Who doesn't like hanging out in a tube?!?

Speaking of hanging, Clare is in her element hanging out at the playground

There may be no wheels in the back, but sitting in this car is about as fun as it gets!
All good things must come to an end...two sad, 'played-out' twins prepare to head home

Don't worry, you two.  It may be raining today, but we'll be back at the playground soon enough!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved looking at the pictures of my twin grandchildren and also the clever comments from Daddy! Who wouldn't enjoy these two 2 years old? They are so adorable, but show their two year old not enjoyable tempers at times. I love Clare and Luke plus Dada and Papa so much it almost hurts me at times.They all have certainly captured a huge part of my heart. Trig too!!
