Thursday, September 28, 2017

#74. The 'GREAT' Lake

One of the perks of living in Chicago is having access to Lake Michigan.  The twins took full advantage this summer with several trips to Chicago's Great Lake!

Luke & Clare at Montrose Beach on Lake Michigan

One day we began an adventure at the Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary

Sure, let's go see some birds, Daddy!!

Actually, forget the about some butterflies!?!

A short walk from the sanctuary the path opens up to this amazing view

These two loved the views at the Lake

Luke also loved the boats at Montrose Harbor and demanded a photo here too

Throughout the summer, one of the (mostly) weekly highlights was visiting Foster Beach, a short drive from our townhouse.

All aboard the Mazda 5 for another beach adventure!!

Posing (nice shades, Luke!) before walking the path to the beach

Enough photos Daddy, let's hit the beach!

At the beach, Luke loved wading out into the water and enjoyed the 'waves' of Lake Michigan...

...while Clare appreciated being at shore with the sand

Either way, both seemed content with their surroundings!

We had cloudy days...

and sunny days...

...but the twins always seemed to have a great time!

That is until snack time...

...when the birds attacked!

Outside of numerous trips to the beach, we visited the Lake a few other times for summer recreation.

One afternoon we went kite flying...

...and had a cookout...

...with some good friends

When Auntie Kip was in town, we rented a pedal bike and went for a ride along the bike paths

Faster Daddy, faster!!!

Someday, we hope, they will be pedaling us around!

We took a break to walk around...

...and enjoyed watching the sailboats float by

The views were spectacular!!

Visiting the lake definitely was a highlight of the summer.  We're sure these two will be back for years to come!

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