Friday, July 18, 2014

#8. All Checked In

I'll post about the rest of our Cambodian adventure when I have time, but I want to keep everyone posted on the big day tomorrow.  This morning, Chris and I had one last breakfast at the hotel,
Breakfast view

packed up, and headed for the airport.  We didn't want to leave!  We really enjoyed Siem Reap and all of the kind and friendly staff at our hotel.  They all walked us to the shuttle van and then stood and waived as we left!  Just when we thought we would never see them again, they called the shuttle driver within 3 minutes of leaving to let him know we left an I-phone charger in the hote.  Of course, I have a different I-phone charger than Chris (I find the different chargers utterly ridiculous), so we had to head back.  When we got to the drive leading up to the hotel, there was Makara (that was one of the staff's name) having walked all the way to the end of the drive to hand it off.  We can't say enough about how nice everyone was.  Gotta make sure to tell Trip Advisor.

Unfortunately, we ran into our first travel snags today.  Our flight was to leave at 12:50 and ended up leaving at 1:40.  The flight was 1 hour, but we had an appointment to make in Bangkok at 4:00.  Baggage claim had the slows today so we didn't make it to a taxi until 3:30.  Then, we had our first experience with Bangkok traffic.
Took this from our hotel...we were in the left lane FOREVER
Not fun!  We finally arrived at the IVF clinic at 4:35 and met two women named Nancy and Joy who will be helping us with everything the next few weeks.  We filled out some paperwork and then were told to meet up with Joy at the hospital at 8 PM.

After getting set up in our hotel once again (we are staying at the same place as before) we headed over to the hospital.  When we arrived, kneeling down and signing a lot of documents was our surrogate, Sukanya. That was a really awesome moment.  She stopped signing papers for a short moment and she, and her mother who was with her, performed the typical Thai greeting of placing their hands together and nodding. We all shared a smile and then Sukanya went back to signing papers.  Boy is she big!  We got a tour of the operation room and the nursery level where the babies will stay for a few days.  Tomorrow morning, we will head over at 6:30 AM and the birth procedure should begin at 7.

After a quick dinner at a Japanese restaurant,
This was something on the table at dinner...we took this as a good 'sign''s similar to our surrogate's name!
we stopped by 7/11 (Chris said we needed to go to the one on the east side of the street because the one on the west is 'small and crappy''s nice to have so many options) and are now prepping for our last sleep before being parents!  We will be in touch with exciting news as soon as we can.

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